Teaching academic staff to implement interactive graphics for their courses
Many academic teachers present data as static graphics in their lectures and courses. However, data structures have become more complex in the last decades, especially in the biomedical disciplines, and interactive graphics can provide a better means to communicate the scientific contents to students. Besides, the technological qualifications of academic staff are diverse, and it has been little studied how these teachers can be trained to program and implement interactive graphics for their courses. It is also little known whether interactive graphics will be helpful for teaching and learning. We conducted a pilot online workshop to identify aspects that need to be addressed when teaching academic staff to program interactive graphics in form of Shiny-apps based on the programing language R. The n = 25 participants were academic staff from the fields of medicine or natural sciences. Pre- and post-workshop questionnaires were used to identify which aspects should be considered in future workshops, to query the usefulness of interactive graphics for teachers and students, and to identify the impact of the workshop on the teacher’s opinion towards digital teaching devices and their preparedness to program own interactive graphics. Most participants showed strong interest to use interactive graphics in their courses after the workshop, and interactive graphics were overall rated as very helpful for teachers and students. However, only those with prior programming knowledge intended to implement own graphics. We conclude that an extension of the workshop will be necessary to provide additional training for participants with no background in R programming.
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10758-023-09652-y.
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