A challenging case of lymphoproliferative disease in a cat
A 7-year-old male castrated Maine Coon cat presented with edema of the right hindlimb and a markedly enlarged right popliteal lymph node. A CBC showed a neutropenia of 1.5 × 103 /μL. Radiographs and ultrasonographic examination were unremarkable. Cytology of the right popliteal lymph node revealed a mixed population of cells, consisting predominantly of medium to large plasmacytoid lymphocytes, low to moderate numbers of well-differentiated plasma cells and low numbers of small lymphocytes. Plasmacytoid lymphocytes had round nuclei with finely stippled chromatin and one prominent round nucleolus. Low numbers of binucleated cells and bizarre mitotic figures, and rare multinucleated cells were observed. Histopathologic examination of the lymph node showed effacement of the normal lymph node architecture by dense sheets of neoplastic cells. Round to polygonal tumor cells of intermediate size had a low to moderate amount of cytoplasm. Round to indented hyperchromatic nuclei were often eccentrically located and contained one distinct nucleolus. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were moderate and 21 mitoses/10 high power field (HPF) were present. Congo red staining was negative. High numbers of tumor cells were positive for lambda light chain immunoglobulin; moderate numbers stained positive for MUM-1. A clonal BCR gene rearrangement was detected with an immunoglobulin heavy chain target (IGH), immunoglobulin lambda light chain (IgL), and kappa deleting element (Kde). Differential diagnoses for the lymphoproliferative disease in this cat included lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma and myeloma-related disorder.
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